Online Divorce vs. an in-Person Divorce Lawyer

Which is better for you and your family? A faster, economical, online, do-it-yourself divorce -versus- a slower, consultative, real, human lawyer. Truthfully, you should compare all options to make the best decision. This comparison grid shows several popular online services versus a full service divorce attorney.

Type Price Description
Attorney Hourly – Get a FREE consultation with a local family law attorney. They will review your case description and quote their hourly rate and expected total cost

Online divorce solutions are only options if you and your spouse completely agree on the terms of the divorce and are both willing and able to sign and file papers. If there is any disagreement about emotional matters such as assets, finances, or children then an attorney may be your best option. Consider these points when deciding whether to hire an attorney, or not.

Hiding Money

In emotional times, people feeling angry or spiteful can disguise the value of jointly held assets. They can transfer money to different bank accounts. They can destroy property. They can “forget” to tell you about an account. They can shield the future earning potential of their business or educational degree. Lawyers use a legal discovery process to identify and accurately value jointly held assets.

Tax Issues

Any time money or assets are transferring hands, or you are changing your state and federal tax filing status, then you risk impacting your tax dues. People “married filing jointly” file different rates than “single”. Additionally, alimony is considered taxable income. A lawyer will know options and you may also seek the advice of a trusted accountant.

Affecting the Children

Your children will be impacted by the divorce too. Child custody, visitation rights and child support are often contentious subjects. Your goal is to minimize the impact on your children as much as possible.

Value of Advice

Do-it-yourself online divorces are ideal for simple, uncontested, full agreement divorces. While lawyers earn their higher rates through value delivered to you.

A lawyer fights for you and your family’s long term benefit. If you are no longer civilly speaking with you spouse, then the lawyer will be your conduit for discussion. Lawyers argue for better alimony and child support rates. And lawyers can design child custody plans fair to both parties. helps you find an attorney and gets you a FREE initial consultation. The service is private and confidential. You are under no obligation to hire the attorney. Enter your zip and your basic case details to start.

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